Why do we sell Cold Pressed Oils ?
Why do we sell Cold-Pressed Carrier Oils ? Cold-pressed Oils play a vital role in our formulations like BBB, Lip Balms, Healing Foot Butter, and mainly Face Elixir. Although we Cold-Press Oils like Almond and Coconut in Local Mills for…
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Story behind our ‘Butter of Butters’
Hi Bask'n Tribe As always, I wanted to share the Story behind our most worked and time consuming formulation and latest release 'Butter of Butters' Well, to be honest, there is a horde of requests rather than a story behind…
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Story behind our ‘Healing Foot Butter’
Quite a Challenge When I started working on our next release, we got all kinds of requests like Body Butter, Shampoo Bars, Alovera Gel etc. While going through the oncoming requests, one particular request from clients and family regarding Craked…
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