Why do we sell Cold Pressed Oils ?
Why do we sell Cold-Pressed Carrier Oils ?
Cold-pressed Oils play a vital role in our formulations like BBB, Lip Balms, Healing Foot Butter, and mainly Face Elixir.
Although we Cold-Press Oils like Almond and Coconut in Local Mills for our Formulations, we depend on our Vendors for other Oils whose ingredients we can’t source locally like Jojoba, Sea Buckthorn, Avacado, etc.
And we have to purchase a minimum of 5 Liters or more from our Vendors to avoid paying more.
We can’t use all of the Oils purchased right away as we believe in fresh and small batches
to keep the formulations potent.
So, that’s when we came up with the thought of selling Cold-Pressed oils at an affordable price to our clients so that both you and us can benefit from this practice.
This practice allows us to cook batches with the freshest possible ingredients every time and at the same time allow you to purchase small quantities of your favorite Cold-Pressed Oils for DIYs without burning a hole in your Purse.
And did we forget to mention that all our Cold-Pressed oils are of A1 quality because Bask in Nature believes in ” Quality at the source”